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Drivers Refused to Put Down Their Cellphones

Texting while driving makes a crash up to 23 times more likely. In 2015, the “Hands Free Ordinance” went into effect in San Antonio. This ordinance fines any driver using a hand-held device, like a cellphone. “It’s a pretty significant amount of people caught using their hand-held devices while driving,” said Sgt. Jesse Salame with […]

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How to Avoid Break Ins

Summer is right around the corner. The days are longer and people are out of the house for outdoor fun and summer trips. Intruders often take advantage of this, and that puts residences and commercial buildings at risk. So far, this year, we have seen 194 robberies and 919 burglary cases in San Antonio. There […]

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Getting Home, Safely

You’re out late. You’ve had a good time, but also a few too many drinks with friends. You just want to get in your car and go home. Don’t do it! Driving under the influence is not only illegal, it’s dangerous and not something you should tolerate or ever attempt. Instead, get a ride. Here […]

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Police Body Cameras are on the Rise

For years, police cruisers have been equipped with dashboard cameras.  We have all seen what they can record.  Television shows have profited from the footage as the public gazes at what officers see when they make a routine roadside stop to the behavior of the officers and the perpetrators of all types as they are […]

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