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Every year, we hear horror stories spawning from the events of careless spring break shenanigans. According to a 2014 study conducted by the American College of Health, the average male reported drinking 18 drinks per day and the average female reported up to 10 drinks per day during spring break. That is well above the safe levels of alcohol consumption.

In order to limit the amount of fatalities and assaults that occur during spring break, we advise you to consider the dangers of drinking irresponsibly and risky behavior under intoxication. If you consider yourself over the age to handle that sort of lifestyle, we advise you to talk with your legal-age college students about the dangers of spring break drinking. Follow these tips about alcohol abuse in order to have the safest spring break possible.

Safe drinking tips:

  • Know your limit and don’t chug. Sip on your drink, instead.
  • Eating food before will keep you full and cause you to drink less.
  • Drink a bottle of water with your drink or in between drinks.
  • Don’t accept drinks from strangers.
  • Don’t drink and drive! Appoint a designated driver or use a ride service.
  • Do not force your peers to drink. And, don’t fall into peer pressure.
  • Keep track of how many drinks you are consuming.
  • Avoid drinking games. This will just get you drunk faster.
  • Do not combine drugs and alcohol. Most drugs and alcohol do not mix well.
  • If you are pregnant or might be pregnant, do not consume any type of alcoholic beverage.


These rules do not only apply to college students, but adults as well. Be a responsible grownup and lead by example. Don’t fall victim to the party lifestyle that is spring break.


Have a fun and safe spring break from all of us at the San Antonio Police Officers’ Association.

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