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Summer is right around the corner. The days are longer and people are out of the house for outdoor fun and summer trips. Intruders often take advantage of this, and that puts residences and commercial buildings at risk. So far, this year, we have seen 194 robberies and 919 burglary cases in San Antonio. There are steps you can take to keep homes and other buildings safe and even deter would be burglars.


Lock Doors and Windows

This is the best and most common way to keep residences and commercial buildings safe.  While it may seem like common sense, many people still fail to lock their doors and windows. Make sure keys are kept with trusted individuals and close family members, and take care not to leave keys or access cards behind in cars or in public places.


Keep Valuables Out of Sight

Keep television sets, entertainment centers and other electronics away from open windows. Keep cars, motorcycles and other vehicles in the garage or locked up, and be sure to close your windows and curtains for added security and privacy.


Get an Alarm System

An alarm system is the easiest way to keep a home safe. The sign in front of your house, threat of a loud alarm, and fear of being caught will deter most burglars. Some home security systems are affordable, but others can be very expensive: pick smart and choose the right plan that fits your individual circumstances.


Work Together

Form community watch groups and keep an eye on neighborhood homes. When planning for vacations and weekend trips, tell trusted family friends of a tentative itinerary, so any suspicious activity can be reported to the proper authorities. Small businesses can also work together in this fashion, providing some support for other retail stores in the area.


Finally, for any local residence, be sure to call an SAPD Substation for a free in-home inspection. By following these simple steps, you can help keep burglars out and your family and possessions safe.



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