A large majority of the San Antonio Police Department were born and raised in the neighborhoods they now protect. Their connection to our community runs deep, making their commitment to keeping San Antonio safe even more meaningful.
A large majority of the San Antonio Police Department were born and raised in the neighborhoods they now protect. Their connection to our community runs deep, making their commitment to keeping San Antonio safe even more meaningful.
Be part of the movement and show your support.
Share your stories and gratitude with #HometownHeroes,
#HereForYou, and #MoreThanABadge.
Our members are fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and more. They are neighbors, and care deeply for their community. They are driven by a passion for service, they put their lives on the line for each of us, and they volunteer their time to help others.
SAPOA exists to honor the sacrifice and commitment of these men and women in our community. Our mission is to represent, preserve and protect the benefits earned through dedicated service to our community.