Current Contract

To view and download the agreement between the City of San Antonio and San Antonio Police Officers’ Association please view contract here.

Members with questions or issues can contact Advocate Services at 210-828-9616 extension 207 or email Rosie Espinoza ( Rosie has 21 years of experience assisting members resolve their medical, dental, vision, workmans’ compensation claims and all other contractual issues.

2022 Redline Contract

The Collective Bargaining Agreement “Redline” contains all the changes from collective bargaining negotiations.  Key points to remember:

  • New language will be in Blue and underlined and removed language will be in Red strike throughs. This allows members to see everything at once.
  • There are hundreds of changes, to include updates to grammar and pronouns throughout the document.
  • This short review is intended to highlight key points and is not a substitute for reviewing the entire contract, attending townhalls, or asking direct questions to SAPOA leadership.


How has arbitration changed?

The arbitration process still allows the arbitrator to overturn the decision of the Chief if the City fails to prove their case by a preponderance of the evidence. What the City must prove is now more defined. The City must prove the facts of the case and prove the conduct creates a substantial shortcoming. If the City does not prove either prong, the arbitrator can reduce the discipline.

Who can appeal to arbitration?

Officers who have been disciplined and do not agree with the discipline can appeal the discipline to the arbitration process. That includes suspensions, demotions, and indefinite suspensions.

Can the arbitrator's award be overturned?

An arbitrator’s decision can be appealed to District Court in the limited circumstance that an arbitrator has exceeded their jurisdiction. This has not changed from the current process. Disagreeing with the arbitrator’s award is not a cause for appeal.

Who determines sound community expectations?

The community is considered the citizens of San Antonio and not a sole group or organization. The arbitrator would determine sound community expectations during the arbitration process. The 2nd prong of substantial shortcomings includes the law and sound community expectations considered together for good cause not one or the other.

Where did the arbitration language come from?

The language was crafted by Attorney Craig Deats after the City provided multiple examples of other Police Departments’ arbitration language. Deats is an experienced labor attorney that represented SAPOA in the evergreen lawsuit.

Is substantial shortcomings a legal standard lower than preponderance of the evidence?

No substantial shortcomings is not a legal standard. Substantial shortcomings is the 2nd thing the City must prove in arbitration (the facts being the 1st) to have an indefinite suspension upheld. The legal standard of proof for arbitration remains preponderance of the evidence.

Does IA get 180 days to investigate administrative violations if the conduct is discovered close to the 2 years cap?

No, discipline must be given within 2 years of the act.

What is force reduction and the reinstatement list?

If outside forces create a reduction in the force causing sworn members to be demoted to accommodate the reduction, a reinstatement list is created with those personnel who were demoted to allow them to reclaim their rank should there be an opening within 3 years. The list expires in 3 years at which time those personnel would have to test to promote. (See Texas Local Government Code Sec. 143.085)

Does the reinstatement list include patrol officers being laid off?

In the unlikely event officers are laid off, they would be on a reinstatement list also.

Can all prior sustained discipline for an officer be used in arbitration?

The prior discipline can only be used if it is relevant to the current discipline or likely to show a cause for progressive discipline and it is listed in the original written statement of charges.

Why was the statute of limitations language removed from the criminal conduct language?

The language mirrors the language found in the Texas Local Government Code Sec 143.056(h) and is related to Sec. 143.052(h)

Financial Package

Why did we "give up" the ARPA money?

We exchanged the ARPA money in negotiations for a larger pay package. You will not receive an ARPA check, which was likely to be $500-$800, but you are receiving higher pensionable raises.

Who gets the 2% bonus?

All members.

How is the 2% bonus calculated?

2% of base pay, longevity, supplemental pay, and overtime from December 2020 through November 2021. It does not include off duty or outside employment and it is not a recurring percentage added to base pay.

When will we get the 2% bonus?

Within 30 days of contract ratification. If everything goes as planned, the contract will likely be ratified in May. Therefore, you will likely receive the bonus in June.


Why are value plan premiums continuing to go up 10%?

The purpose of our healthcare changes during the last contract was to reduce ballooning healthcare costs for the city. We have largely achieved that. Single officers still pay no premiums under the new contract. However, the average member with the Value Plan costs the city about $21,000. The average member with the Consumer Driven Health Plan costs the city about $16.000. The continued escalation of Value Plan premiums addresses that gap

Phasedown Plan

Will the deferred leave payments be at the rate the officer is making when the payment is made regardless of dropback?

Yes, the payment is made 1 for 1 at the rate the officer is making at the time of the payment.


Will family leave be retroactive? In other words, if I had a child within a 12 month period before ratification of the contract, will I be eligible for the 4 weeks of leave?

No, it will apply to births and adoptions that occur after ratification.

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