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Dear Friends, Family, and Members:

The San Antonio Police Officers’ Association (SAPOA) is proud to announce the launch of their new website to our membership and the San Antonio community:

This website represents our drive to focus on communication and teamwork as our Association begins to grow into the digital communication age.

We knew we needed to upgrade our website. We also know that the number one thing we can do as an Association is to share information. This website represents our commitment to updating our image and our dialogue with you.

Going forward, the Association will begin to focus on two key areas: communicating with our membership and taking our accomplishments and service directly to the community. We will engage both professionally and humbly. We know we need to tell our story to as many people as possible.

That story includes the successes of our Association in our community outreach programs. All to often we are in the community doing more than just protecting the public’s safety. For instance, we will be highlighting our Project CJ program. Project CJ is a partnership with our sponsors to ensure children from Title One schools have a few extra snacks and meals to take home on the weekends. Blue Santa and our partnerships working in communities with elected officials will also be highlighted and shared.

We will also use this website as a tool to share information. We are nothing if not a family. Families share information and care about each other. We are going to share information and keep each of you informed. We are stronger as a team and as an Association if there is trust and transparency. We can achieve that by keeping you informed and keeping your best interest at heart.

This website will also bring you the key tools needed to make decisions about your professional career path. A back end site will allow for security controls and inter-Association communication. We will be able to share information to help you be better police officers and help you better take care of your families.

This is just the start. This site will grow and your feedback matters. Take a minute, get familiar with the look and feel, and let us know exactly what you want to see on this website. We will listen and provide you with the tools you need to do your job.

Thank you for supporting the San Antonio Police Officers’ Association. This site is for you. It’s yours. We need every police officer and their family members to visit the site and sign up for updates and information. We are asking for as many community residents as possible to sign up as well and see how our police officers are working throughout San Antonio to make this a better city for all of us.

Share it and let’s get stronger as a team and family by keeping the conversation going!

Yours in Service,

Mike Helle

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