Contact: Michael Helle
Tel: (210) 822-4428
DA calls for rejecting support from local law enforcement
while accepting millions from out-of-state special interests
SAN ANTONIO, TX, August 25, 2020 – On Monday, Bexar County District Attorney Joe Gonzales joined over 40 other district attorneys and state attorney generals in rejecting endorsements and campaign contributions from police unions.
It’s unfortunate that the DA is unwilling to accept support from police associations but has no problem taking out-of-state, special interest money. In his initial run for DA in 2018, Gonzales accepted nearly a million dollars from liberal billionaire George Soros. Personal contributions by Soros and funds from his PAC supplied Gonzales with donations that totaled $958,000.1
“The level of hypocrisy on the DA’s part is breathtaking,” says Michael Helle, President of the San Antonio Police Officers’ Association. “Joe’s willing to take a million dollars from out-of-state special interests with unknown agendas, but he’s against an endorsement and one-time $500 contribution from a local police union whose motives are well known – to elect qualified candidates who support the law and have a strong record on public safety.”
Gonzales is one of many DA’s across the country who owes his seat to massive financial donations from Soros. 2 While the citizens of San Antonio have little to no knowledge about Soros’ motives or that of the other special interests groups that supported Gonzales, the purpose of our support is always front and center: to work for our members and for public officials who will support public safety and ensure our community remains a safe place to live and work.
Finally, DA Gonzales’ comments are an insult to every judge who has accepted an endorsement and contribution from SAPOA. He is effectively saying that a judge can be bought for $500 (the max amount we donate to endorsed judges), but it’s perfectly fine for a district attorney, like himself, to take millions from trial lawyers and out-of-state special interest groups.
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1 “Soros contributions to LaHood DA challenger nears $1 million,” San Antonio Express-News, February 27, 2018.
2 “Soros Chalks Up Another DA Win After Dropping Nearly $1 Million in Texas Race,” The Daily Signal, March 7, 2018.