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January 16, 2021

Statement from John “Danny” Diaz, President-elect of the San Antonio Police Officers’ Association in response to “San Antonio Coalition for Police Accountability (SACPA)” Press Statement

“While I won’t address every one of the baseless attacks made by Mario Salas today, I will say this: SAPOA maintains our position that a great number of the signatures collected by “FIX SAPD” (FIX) and delivered to the City Clerk were gathered under false pretenses. Several citizens have reported to us and filed police reports (including Case Nos. SAPD20241954, SAPD20249834, SAPD21004273 – more are available) stating that FIX either verbally harassed them, misrepresented themselves as being with the San Antonio Police Department, and/or said that Police Chief William McManus supports their effort and opposes collective bargaining. He does not. At a January 4, 2021 news conference, the Chief explicitly stated, ‘I am not opposed to collective bargaining.’

Also, despite the ridiculous allegations and unhinged attacks by Mr. Salas, SAPOA remains committed to the truth, and the facts of the matter are that SAPOA and the Chief are dedicated to keeping SAPD a model for the country and if reforms of any kind are necessary, they will be discussed and developed — as they always have been — with the City and SAPOA sitting at the bargaining table negotiating in good faith. Chief McManus made this clear at the January 4th press conference, saying that he looks forward to
‘working together closely with the SAPOA’ and that the reforms he wants to see can be dealt with in the new collective bargaining negotiations.

“Finally, SAPOA stands by our assertion that FIX is funded by dark money special interests as they have not openly declared who is funding their effort and no media outlet has reported on contributions to or spending by this organization. We, on the other hand are, as we’ve always been, completely transparent about our finances. Our PAC reports are in the public domain. As to Mr. Salas’ absurd attempts to tie SAPD Officers to the terrible events in Washington on January 6th, I will not dignify that with a response and I trust that no credible journalist will either.” 

For more information about the Anti-Police Petition, please visit: 

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